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PTE Pearson test of English 

It is owned by Pearson the world’s leading learning company.


When planning to study abroad, English language test scores are must to prove your language proficiency. This score assures universities that you have the ability to undertake the course with English as the medium of instruction. The Pearson Test of English or PTE is one such test that evaluates applicants’ English reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills. The PTE exam pattern is designed to test whether candidate can study at international institutions. Student demonstrates his/her capability of understanding, reading, listening, speaking, and writing in English suitably in a foreign land through their PTE scores. The PTE exam structure is similar to many other English testing examinations. It emphasizes four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking & Writing. 

Types of PTE Tests and Their Uses

The PTE exam, accepted worldwide by colleges, governments, and organizations, is categorized into three types:

  • PTE Academic
  • PTE Core
  •  UK Government Tests (formerly known as PTE General). 

PTE Academic: It is taken by candidates for study visa  and is globally accepted by English-speaking countries like Australia, Canada, USA, UK, New Zealand, and more. Candidates also take it for work and migration visas from the Australian and New Zealand government.


It is a valid test and is ideal for people who wish to work, migrate or aim to get a PR in Canada.

PTE CORE: Duration 3 hours

Points: 10-90 points.

 Student will complete between 49 and 54 tasks in any given test and a range of 19 different task types.

UK Government Tests (formerly known as PTE General Test): It includes four different types of tests: PTE Core, PTE Academic UKVI, PTE Home A1, PTE Home A2, and PTE Home B1.

If you want to work or pursue a non-degree study program in the UK, then go with Academic UKVI. It is a Secure English Language Test (SELT) approved by the UK government.

The PTE Home A1 test is for those who want to apply for a work or family visa in the UK.

 For the extension of the family visa, you need to take the PTE Home A2 test.

 However, if you want to settle permanently in the UK, then take the PTE Home B1. 

PTE Exam Pattern, Format, and Vital Aspects 

The PTE exam pattern is uniform across countries that accept the PTE test scores. What may vary is the cut-off. 

The following table will provide a better understanding of the PTE exam format.

PTE Exam Format

PTE Eligibility Criteria Applicants should be aged at least 16 years
Testing availabilityThroughout the year
Test duration 2 hours
Exam format The PTE test format consists of 20 unique questions which test speaking & writing skills (54–67 minutes), reading skills (29–30 minutes), and listening skills (30–43 minutes)
Registration formalitiesPTE exam registrations can be done online via the official Pearson PTE Academic website and through DAVESAR CONSULTANTS
Test charges                                      RS 17000
Test Results & Score ScalePTE results get available within 48 hours and are sent to candidates within 5 business days. The score ranges between 10-90

PTE Exam Structure: Section-wise details 

Here is the PTE exam structure divided into sections – Speaking & Writing, Reading, and Listening. 

Speaking and Writing

This section tests the examinees’ speaking and writing abilities. It requires 77 to 93 minutes and has six portions. Here is a closer look:

Segment-Wise PatternDuration/Time Required 
Personal IntroductionTotal 55 seconds: 25 seconds for prompt, 30 seconds to record answer
Read Aloud30-40 seconds to prepare for reading out the text of 60 words
Repeat SentenceTotal 15 seconds: 3-9 seconds for prompt, 15 seconds to record answer
Describe Image25 seconds are granted to study the image as well as prepare your response on the same
Re-Tell Lecture90 seconds for prompt length, 10 seconds to prepare, and 40 seconds to answer
Answer Short QuestionTotal 20 seconds: 3-9 seconds for prompt, 10 seconds to answer
Summarize Written Text10 minutes to answer to text prompt of 2-3sentences
Essay20 minutes to answer to text prompt of 300 words


This section tests the examinees’ ability to understand instructions. It is divided into five segments that have to be covered in 32-40 minutes. Here is a look at the PTE format for this section:

Section Pattern Suggested time for each task
Multiple Choice, Choose Single Answer1 minute 30 seconds
Multiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answers2 minutes 20 seconds
Re-Order Paragraphs1 minute 50 seconds
Reading: Fill in the Blanks1 minute 50 seconds
Reading and Writing: Fill in the Blanks2 minutes 20 seconds


This section covers 45-57 minutes and tests the ability of candidates to understand spoken English. Students should carefully listen to the audio and retain whatever they hear. The portion has 8 sub-segments. Here is a closer look at the PTE exam pattern and format:

Pattern of Section Time Taken/Duration 
Summarize Spoken Text60-90 seconds to retain 50-70 words, 10 minutes to write/ click forward if you finish early
Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer60 seconds
Fill in the Blanks60 seconds
Highlight Correct Summary60 seconds
Multiple Choice, Single Answer60 seconds
Select Missing Word60 seconds
Highlight Incorrect Words30 seconds
Write From Dictation45 seconds

PTE Academic Exam Pattern and Format

One may need around three hours to take the PTE Academic exam, which like other language proficiency tests assess candidates on their speaking, listening, writing and reading skills. 

The table given below elaborates on the PTE Academic exam format:

Sections AssignmentsTime allotted
Listening MCQs to pick single answers, MCQs to pick multiple answers, Writing from dictation, Summarizing spoken text, Fill in the blanks, and Highlighting incorrect words.45-57 minutes 
Speaking & Writing Essay writing, Reading loudly, Re-tell lectures, Introduction, Summarizing written text, Repetition of a sentence, and Answering short questions.77-93 minutes 
Reading Rearrange paragraphs, Fill in the blanks, MCQs for a single answer, MCQs for multiple answers.34-40 minutes 

The PTE Exam Result 

Now that you are aware of the PTE exam pattern and its key segments, you can stop worrying and start preparing for the test. Aspirants must also note that the validity of PTE exam scores is two years, much like TOEFL and IELTS. In addition, you can send your PTE exam marks to as many colleges/universities as you want, without any limit.






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