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Top reasons for Visa Refusals…

Getting your Visa refused is indeed a very disappointing and sad situation. But have you ever thought that what could be the reason behind this?

Even if you think that you and your agent have presented the best file possible, it may not be the truth…

There are certain things that need to kept in mind while presenting the Applicant’s file that of not done in a good
manner can even lead to refusal. Given below are some reasons responsible for Visa refusal…

1 False Documents..

When it comes to providing the accurate documents, many people provide false documents thinking that they could get away with it. Let yourself know that the Visa officers are experienced professionals dealing in the sector from
several years. They can clearly identify what is fake and what is legit. Let it be student or a tourist, one needs to provide
accurate documents.

2 Low academic scores..

Low academic scores may worry you in the beginning but they are the most common reason for Visa refusal.
If you are unable to score even the minimum requirement in your home country then how will you be able to score good marks in a foreign country, where the level of education is pretty vast and advanced? If you have planned to move abroad during your school life then make sure to work hard in 12th standard and achieve as
many marks as possible. The more your marks are, the more chances you have to get your visa approved.

3 No genuine gap explanation..

Many students plan to study abroad very late in life i.e. after they have done their graduation and are currently working

This causes a gap. To cover this gap, many students who don’t have the right or real documentation often present false documents which ultimately cause their refusal. One needs to make sure to provide accurate documents and explain the true reason behind their gap.

4 Wrong Course selection..

We have seen many a times that the student has achieved extraordinary Academic scores, provided sufficient funds,
achieved high bands in English proficiency tests but still got his Visa refused.

One the reasons behind this is the wrong course selection. One needs to make sure that he/she is opting for that very
program that he/she has studied in their home country. For example if you have studied Medical in class 12th then you
cannot opt for a Business program in a foreign college or university. This will undoubtedly lead to a refusal.

5 Criminal records..
An applicant who has a criminal record in India has a high chance of rejection. If you have such a record then think twice before applying to any foreign country for any sort of Visa.

6 Medical Issues..

Applicants who have been diagnosed with a contagious disease may also not be granted Visa. It is because they can be a threat to the citizens of that country and the safety of it’s citizens is the utmost priority if any country. Now, this is not in anyone’s hands but still, if you have any medical issue, you will not be granted the Visa.

7 Least explanation in SOP..

Applicants must make sure that in many countries, there are no Visa interviews but your SOP i.e. Statement of Purpose is attached with your file that acts as an explanation on your behalf.

It needs to be made sure that everyone’s SOP is different based upon the type of course he/she is going to study and the explanation they are supposed to provide regarding any of the incidents Many times, agents just copy
paste one students SOP to another students SOP by just making some small changes.

This is truly unacceptable to the Visa officer.. You need to make original SOP and make sure it has the right
explanation regarding everything.

So these were the main reasons responsible for a majority of Visa refusals..

These if kept in mind while presenting the file will definitely lead to Visa approval..
Haven’t found the right consultant yet?

Let us help you out !!! We are one the best VISA CONSULTANTS in Amritsar..

You can contact us at +919814315346 or can visit our branches in Amritsar, Ludhiana and Chandigarh.

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