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Achieve 9 bands in Speaking easily with Davesar

Worried about speaking English fluently? We here at Davesar got your back!!!

We often get messages from students regarding how to score 7 plus bands in IELTS Speaking test. Many students consider the speaking module the toughest of all the modules. But this isn’t the truth. Speaking is also as easy
as the rest of the modules.

There are certain tips and tricks that if kept in mind while preparing can fetch you marvelous result. The tips are as follows:-

1 Using Connectors Wisely

When we talk about connectors, many tutees explain that they use connectors very often in their speaking exam bit
still aren’t able to fetch good bands. The secret behind this lies in the usage of Connectors. Many students do use
connectors but they are unaware of using the right connectors at the right place. Many students often get
confused between However and Moreover.

Where However is a connector that how’s a comparison being made between two, Moreover is used to add
similarity between two ideas.

2 Speak at a moderate pace

A mistake that a considerable amount of aspirants make during the IELTS speaking exam is that they are unable to regulate the pace at which they speak. Many begin with a slow pace and then when they start getting enough ideas,
they start speaking at a fast pace in order to cover up as many ideas as possible. Whereas some begin at a fast pace and when no more ideas strike their mind, they start to slow down, take pauses
and start messing up. It is recommended to every student to speak at a moderate pace in order to deliver good ideas within a stipulated amount of time.

3 Practicing in front of a mirror

This point is a very mandatory one for every student who is planning to achieve atleast 7 bands in Speaking.
One should definitely practice infront of a mirror as this will boost his/her confidence and will let them judge
themselves. While speaking in front of a mirror one should try to maintain an eye contact with themselves as keeping an eye contact while speaking is a clear sign of a confident person. One who isn’t good at maintaining an eye
contact should surely practice infront of a mirror as it takes some time to make something a habit.

4 Don’t be nervous

Being nervous while giving the Speaking test is the worst thing ever. Nervousness not only makes you loose your confidence, it also directly reduces half or in some cases 1 band from your result. We know that it is easy to say but difficult to tackle bit you need to make sure that you are being fully confident while giving the Speaking exam. Even if there is a bit if nervousness in your mind, don’t let it be reflected by your face. Try to speak normal English with the usage of some basic connectors. Don’t be too informal bit try being at your very best. When you will be speaking from
your heart, you will not be nervous as ideas will start striking your mind and your confidence will get a boost.

5 Keep time in check

The most common mistake many devotees make wile preparing for IELTS speaking exam is that they don not check the time while speaking. It may not seem that important but in the exam, it is the most important factor that can raise your band score. If you are able to express your ideas between the time span of 1:50 to 2:09 minutes then you are good to go but if your are ending before this mark then you need to extend your content a bit more.

There is a big difference in preparing and giving the final exam. Many times students end up by completing their speaking exam within a minute which is not surprising as they are under pressure and have many thoughts
arising in their mind. So while preparing, keel time in check and you will be able to pass the exam with flying colours.
These were the basic tips and tricks one needs to keel in mind in order to fetch 9 bands in IELTS speaking test.
We hope you liked thi piece of information.

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